Rule 59: Managed Care — Peer Review and Utilization Review
Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court Rules
Sections 48-120, 48-120.02, R.R.S. 2021.
Effective date: July 1, 1997.
A. Peer review. The managed care plan shall implement a system for peer review to prevent inappropriate, excessive, or not medically necessary treatment and to improve the quality of patient care and cost effectiveness of treatment. Peer review must include at least one health care provider of the same discipline being reviewed. The peer review must be designed to evaluate the quality of care given by a health care provider to a patient or patients. The plan must describe in its application for certification how the providers will be selected for review, the nature of the review, and how the results will be used.
B. Utilization review. The managed care plan shall implement a program for utilization review to prevent inappropriate, excessive, or not medically necessary treatment and to improve the quality of patient care and cost effectiveness of treatment. The program must include the collection, review, and analysis of group data to improve overall quality of care and efficient use of resources. In its application for certification, the managed care plan must specify the data that will be collected, how the data will be analyzed, and how the results will be applied to improve patient care and increase cost effectiveness of treatment.