Court Forms and Publications
Court Forms and Publications
General information
General information
Learn about choosing a doctor:
Learn about getting back to work:
Representing yourself
Representing yourself
Learn about representing yourself in a workers’ compensation claim
Legal resources for representing yourself (provided by the Access to Justice Commission)
What you need to know before going to court (provided by the Nebraska Supreme Court’s Committee on Self-Represented Litigation)
Informally working out a disagreement
Informally working out a disagreement
Formally working out a disagreement
Formally working out a disagreement
Petition / Personal and Financial Account Information (Combined Forms)
General Motion (Combined Forms)
Motion to Continue and Proposed Order of Continuance (Combined Forms)
Workers’ compensation reports
Workers’ compensation reports
Annual Report (published by fiscal year)
Statistical Report (published by calendar year)
Bureau of Labor Statistics Reports (published by calendar year)